Mat4Rail on Tour
From the Atlantic to the Baltic Sea
Since the start of the Mat4Rail project on 1st October 2017 the project partners have been actively informing and promoting the Mat4Rail project at various events all over Europe. To date, the presentations predominantly focused on introducing the project, its goals and how the partners are planning on achieving these. An overview of the events at which Mat4Rail has been presented can be found below.
From the Atlantic to the Baltic Sea
Since the start of the Mat4Rail project on 1st October 2017 the project partners have been actively informing and promoting the Mat4Rail project at various events all over Europe. To date, the presentations predominantly focused on introducing the project, its goals and how the partners are planning on achieving these. An overview of the events at which Mat4Rail has been presented can be found below.
Mat4Rail Kick-off Meeting
From 4th-5th October 2017, Mat4Rail members representing the 16 Beneficiaries attended the Mat4Rail kick-off meeting at CIDETEC in San Sebastián, Spain to discuss the project and the network’s potential for the trains of the future. For most of the Mat4Rail partners, this meeting was the first face-to-face meeting and the first time the whole consortium came together. |
Fire retardants for thermoplastics and thermosets workshop
AIMPLAS organised a workshop on various topics relevant to fire retardants for thermoplastics and thermosets, 14th-15th November 2017. The workshop held in Spain attracted 72 participants who over the course of the two days where presented valuable information on fire retardants, safety and regulations as well as given the chance to network with attendees working in a similar field.
Shift2Rail JU Events
The Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking (S2R JU) currently supports 44 ongoing projects under the framework structured into five asset-specific Innovation Programmes (IPs) to cover all the different structural (technical) and functional (process) subsystems of the rail system. To support these ongoing projects the S2R JU offers various information and networking events to support knowledge sharing and innovation at which Mat4Rail has been represented by the coordinator, CIDETEC.
KMM-VIN Working group 1: TRANSPORT
The KMM-VIN is a new model for European research on advanced materials which allow European institutions to share their expertise. It is divided into different working groups of which the Mat4Rail coordinator, CIDETEC, is part of. The working group “Materials for Transport” focuses on the development of materials for transport applications.
An overview of Mat4Rail and the main activities under development in the project were presented by Mat4Rail´s coordinator Elena Jubete, from CIDETEC, 28th February 2018, in Brussels at the Transport Working group of KMM-VIN association.
AIMPLAS organised a workshop on various topics relevant to fire retardants for thermoplastics and thermosets, 14th-15th November 2017. The workshop held in Spain attracted 72 participants who over the course of the two days where presented valuable information on fire retardants, safety and regulations as well as given the chance to network with attendees working in a similar field.
Shift2Rail JU Events
The Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking (S2R JU) currently supports 44 ongoing projects under the framework structured into five asset-specific Innovation Programmes (IPs) to cover all the different structural (technical) and functional (process) subsystems of the rail system. To support these ongoing projects the S2R JU offers various information and networking events to support knowledge sharing and innovation at which Mat4Rail has been represented by the coordinator, CIDETEC.
- Shift2Rail JU Steering Committee, 16th January 2018
- Shift2Rail JU Info Day, 12th December 2017
- Shift2Rail JU Project Coordinators Info Day, 14th November 2017
KMM-VIN Working group 1: TRANSPORT
The KMM-VIN is a new model for European research on advanced materials which allow European institutions to share their expertise. It is divided into different working groups of which the Mat4Rail coordinator, CIDETEC, is part of. The working group “Materials for Transport” focuses on the development of materials for transport applications.
An overview of Mat4Rail and the main activities under development in the project were presented by Mat4Rail´s coordinator Elena Jubete, from CIDETEC, 28th February 2018, in Brussels at the Transport Working group of KMM-VIN association.
FPRS 2018
The Fire Protection of Rolling Stock 2018 (FPRS) took place over 2 days, 28th February -1st March 2018 in Berlin, Germany and focused on taking an in-depth look at the biggest challenges and opportunities in the sector. The event delved into the technical and strategic innovations impacting the sector and explored as a group what more can be done to set and improve standards. Per Blomqvist, from Mat4Rail’s partner, RISE, held his presentation on Mat4Rail with a focus on research on fire safe composite material within the Shift2Rail programme. RISE is involved within the Mat4Rail project as work package leader for testing and characterisation of composites and joints. His presentation is available online. |
Mat4Rail General Assembly
The 2-day Mat4Rail General Assembly (GA) was organised by Mat4Rail’s partner University of Bremen (UNI-HB) in Bremen Germany, 24th-25th April 2018. The GA brought together 30 participants from the 16 project partners to discuss the progress and achievements during the first 7 months of the project and to plan the next steps. Further meetings and workshops between the two working streams, Design and Materials, were held to discuss advances and share knowledge in detail within the project’s expert groups. The Mat4Rail Executive Board also held a face-to-face meeting to discuss overall project progress and potential risks of this ambitious research and innovation action. |
Baltic See Conferences
Sandra Gomez from CIDETEC presented initial results on improving the FST properties of epoxy resins during the Epoxy and Resins Technology Conference 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden.
The conference provided a unique opportunity for researchers from industry, academia and research centers to come together to review their collective progress, consider the latest developments and discuss the future challenges in Epoxy and Resins Technology. Further information on the Mat4Rail results presented can be found in the newsletter article on “Mat4Rail at the Baltic sea”.
Sandra Gomez from CIDETEC presented initial results on improving the FST properties of epoxy resins during the Epoxy and Resins Technology Conference 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden.
The conference provided a unique opportunity for researchers from industry, academia and research centers to come together to review their collective progress, consider the latest developments and discuss the future challenges in Epoxy and Resins Technology. Further information on the Mat4Rail results presented can be found in the newsletter article on “Mat4Rail at the Baltic sea”.
Mat4Rail-PIVOT carbody workshop
Mat4Rail together with PIVOT held a CARBODY collaborative workshop at CIDETEC, 19th-20th June 2018. The objective of this workshop was to revise the specifications gathered for the development of the novel composites and joints being developed in Mat4Rail to be able to later be implemented into PIVOT carbody demonstrators. Additionally, Mat4Rail shared their results from the fire and mechanical testing of the first materials. The productive meeting received valuable input with high collaboration between rail manufacturers, rail service suppliers and top researchers from both Shift2Rail projects. |
Planned Events
Mat4Rail partners have already started planning on attending future events to introduce the project and later the Mat4Rail related project results. Listed below are a number of future events where members of the project plan to represent Mat4Rail.
Mat4Rail partners have already started planning on attending future events to introduce the project and later the Mat4Rail related project results. Listed below are a number of future events where members of the project plan to represent Mat4Rail.
- Mat4Rail-PIVOT carbody workshop at CIDETEC, 19th-20th June 2018, San Sebastian, Spain
- International conference on composite structures (ICCS 2018), 4th-9th September 2018, Dresden, Germany
- SAMPE Europe Conferences, 11th-13th September 2018, Southhamption, UK
- Internationale Rad-Schiene-Tagung Dresden 2018, 12th-14th September 2018, Dresden, Germany
- InnoTrans 2018, 18th -21st September 2018, Berlin, Germany
- Mat4Rail General Assembly Meeting, 26th-27th September 2018, Borås, Sweden
- International Conference on Composites, 2nd-3rd October 2018, Liège, Belgium
Read further articles
Mat4Rail at the Baltic sea Preliminary results of Mat4Rail resin development were presented in the Epoxy and Resins Conference held on a cruise boat |
The Mat4Rail's interior design team meets complementary PIVOT project in Paris Both Shift2Rail design teams agreed on specifications |